nichole, nichole, nichole

Now she is saying she is uncertain whether she was raped or not.

she is having doubts whether she provoked the sex or not.

whether it was forced or she wanted it too.

nichole, nichole, nichole

i find this very weird indeed.

you’re uncertainty i would understand if we are talking about a pair of shoes you have purchased, or whether a vacation you took was worth the expenses and effort, or even if you made the right decision in accepting or rejecting wedding proposal.

but rape?

how can you not be sure about rape?

about force?

about sex?

how can you not be certain in that long walk from the bar to the car?

from the entire drive around subic?

from the moment his hand is grasping your legs, to the point he is aiming his hard penis in your vagina, and to that instance that his dick touches your body and pierced your being.

how can you not be sure throughout all that?

was there violence? you were raped.

were you physically forced to do it? you were raped.

were you persuaded even if you already said no? you were raped.

were you pressured just because you feel you have to for whatever reason? you were raped.

but if you willingly and intentionally went with Smith, dragged him to the car, unzipped his pants, and guided his dick into your orifice then you were not raped.

its that simple.

so nichole, how can you not be sure?


~ by armedlittleboy on March 21, 2009.

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